How and Why to Measuring Employee Performance

  • Ongoing performance evaluations are a great way to spot and correct problems before they become critical. To measure employee performance you can devise your own list or choose some of the categories listed below:

    1. Productivity. Determine how to measure what is accomplished. For example, units produced, items sold, etc. and then compare to the industry at large and your own employee performance.
    2. Quality. Consider measuring % of work output which is rejected or must be redone.
    3. Timeliness. The speed of work performed can be a tricky issue – if you are rating truck drivers, you don’t want them speeding to break time expectations. Instead, timeliness could be measured by whether the assignment is completed in a reasonable amount of time.
    4. Absenteeism/Tardiness: If an employee is not at work, they are obviously not performing well. Other employees’ performance is often adversely affected by absences.
    5. Adhering to Policy: How well does the employee follow company rules/policies?
    6. Personal Appearance/Grooming: If you require a uniform, with name tag displayed to be worn daily, are employees doing this? Are their grooming habits acceptable?
    7. Self-Appraisal – Having an employee complete a “self-appraisal” often produces interesting results. Additionally, it opens the door for the manager to comment on various areas.

    If you aren’t sure how to create and conduct a fair employee review then speak to one of our representatives today. Remember, each measure should reflect the job at hand and not infringe upon certain characteristics or other potentially areas of discrimination.

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