State: AK Property Owners Liable for Contractor's Work Comp Claim:

State: AK Property Owners Liable for Contractor's Work Comp Claim:

The owners of a mixed-use property are liable for the workers’ compensation claim of an uninsured contractor, the Supreme Court of Alaska concluded. Case: Trudell v. Hibbert, No. S-13608, 2/17/12, published. Facts: Lawrence Trudell, an employee of Phillips Construction Co., was injured while climbing

State: OK OSHA Issues Fines to Grain Facility Where 2 Teenagers Lost Legs:

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced Friday it has issued an Oklahoma grain-handling facility four serious safety citations, with fines totaling $21,500, following an accident on Aug. 4 in which two 17-year-old workers each lost a leg. OSHA reported the teenagers working for

Top Lawmakers Will Carry Workers' Comp Option Legislation:

By Bill Kidd, Central Bureau Chief Two of most powerful members of the Oklahoma Legislature have agreed to carry legislation to give employers an alternative to workers’ compensation to protect injured workers – and to reduce costs to businesses. Senate President Pro Tempore Brian

State: CA Contractor Sting Nabs 5 Without Comp Coverage:

A sting targeting Central California Valley contractors charging excessive up-front payments caught five contractors who were operating without workers’ compensation insurance, including a registered sex offender who had not submitted to a background check, according to a press release from the Contractors State License
20 Jan , 2012

Workers Comp Insurance

Specializing in providing workers comp insurance for businesses struggling to find affordable coverage. Our expert consultants are here to assist you with all of your workers comp insurance questions. [button url=”” target=”” size=”small” style=”skyblue” icon=”” popup=”” title=””]Request A Quote[/button]

Learn how to keep construction workers safe

The most important thing you can do to keep your employees safe on a construction site is to create, maintain and follow a strict health and safety plan.  In general, as the owner of a construction business, or someone involved in the construction industry,

Regulators: Florida workers' comp healthy

JacksonvilleBusiness Journal Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2012, 6:36pm EST State regulators reported Wednesday that Florida’s workers’ compensation system, once the target of business groups angered over skyrocketing rates, is financially healthy and, unlike property insurance, remains almost entirely in the private market, according to
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