Increases in minimum wage…
Increases in the minimum wage often involve protracted political battles, but not so for 10 states that will increase their rates in 2012. That’s because these states tie annual increases in their minimums to increases in the cost of living. The minimum wage will
State of Florida Work Comp Increase…
State: FL – Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty gave final approval to an 8.9% increase in workers’ compensation rates that took effect on January 1, 2012. (source: workcompcentral) For more information regarding this increase call a WCCOP representative today at 813-684-5684.
Evaluate Workers Compensation as it relates to Terrorism
On September 11, 2001, the US was attacked with devastating ferocity as we experienced the largest terrorist attack on native soil in the country’s history. Among the aftermath of these attacks were the workers and employees injured or who became ill as a direct
Crackdown on worker misclassification
In an effort to increase tax revenue and to ensure that workers receive the protection and benefits to which they are legally entitled, Congress has proposed legislation to combat misclassification of W?2 employees as 1099 independent contractors. In addition, misclassification costs taxpayers, businesses and
What are the advantages and disadvantages of state mandated workers comp?
As a small business owner, you may or may not have the option to participate in a workers compensation program. There are a variety of advantages and disadvantages to consider before making the decision to participate – or not participate in the program. If
Arrests of illegal migrants on U.S.-Mexico border plummet
MEXICALI, Mexico — Arrests of illegal migrants trying to cross the southern U.S. border have plummeted to levels not seen since the early 1970s, according to tallies released by the Department of Homeland Security last week, a historic shift that could reshape the debate
As a small business owner, can I be sued by an injured worker if I provide all the necessary care, light duty work, and offer to retrain the employee?
Under the provisions of Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, an injured worker has two years from the date of the accident to file a petition for benefits with the Division of Administrative Hearings. If an employer is providing benefits and return to work options, that
How can workers compensation management be improved in the construction industry
There are a wide variety of issues facing the construction industry but one of the most serious is how to deal with health, safety, and workers compensation, effectively. The costs associated with workers compensation insurance can be a very significant expense to contractors who
Learn how to keep construction workers safe
The most important thing you can do to keep your employees safe on a construction site is to create, maintain and follow a strict health and safety plan. In general, as the owner of a construction business, or someone involved in the construction industry,