Electric Safety for Construction Sites

  • Staying safe when working around electricity is critical to every small business owner. Learn how to stay safe with theses quick tips by PCG:

    • Keep people, tools, materials and equipment at least ten-feet away from power lines. The “Ten-Foot Circle of Safety” isn’t just a good idea; it’s an OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) mandate. Avoid fines and increased risk of accidents by abiding by the ten foot circle of safety at all times. Remember, the minimum required distance is ten feet when working near power lines of 50,000 volts or less.
    • Always know the voltage before working on any job! If more than 50,000 volts is present increase the distance to more than ten feet.
    • Locate underground utilities (electric, gas, etc.) before beginning to work or dig. To locate underground lines, call the utilities in your area at least two days in advance so utility lines can be marked. If contact with utility lines does occur follow these simple steps:
    1. Stay in your vehicle or equipment if that is where you are at the time of the incident.
    2. Warn others to avoid the area until power can be shut off.
    3. If you are on the ground, stay there until help arrives.
    4. If you can move equipment, do it. If not, stay put until the lines can be de-energized.
    5. If you must leave the vehicle due to fire (or other emergency) JUMP with both feet together. Hop with both feet together until you reach safety. NEVER step down and touch the ground or equipment at the same time – if you do you can be electrocuted.
    • If a line falls to the ground or onto equipment, always assume it is energized. Call the local utility company and stay clear until advised otherwise. Safety is everyone’s first concern; these are just a few ways to help you stay safe while on the job. For more safety related information, procedures and written policies required by law, contact PCG today.
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