OSHA and Workers Comp

  • OSHA stands for The Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  Their primary mission is to ensure that workers in the US remain safe in their working environment.  OSHA works with both employees and employers to continually improve working conditions with three primary strategies:

    • strong, fair and effective enforcement
    • outreach, education and compliance assistance
    • partnerships and cooperative programs

    As part of its role, OSHA is tasked to ensure compliance with US health and safety laws.  They routinely research and investigate reports and claims regarding safety, and they work in conjunction with a variety of other agencies, including the workers compensation system.

    OSHA was created in 1971 in an attempt to reduce workplace deaths, injuries, accidents and illnesses.  In 2007, OSHA reported having over 2,000 employees, over half of which were inspectors.  Find out what you need to know about OSHA inspections by calling WCCOP today.  Keep your business running smoothly without risk of costly oversight errors, fines or other potential problems.

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