Structured Settlements & Workers Comp

  • Not sure what a structured settlement is or how it applies to your small business? Don’t worry – WCCOP is always here to provide the information you need to know!

     A structured settlement is a pre-negotiated payment method where the beneficiary agrees to receive over a set period of time instead of in one lump sum payment. One of the benefits of a structured settlement is the ability of the insurance provider to pay back the claim with the interest earned on the actual cash settlement plus inflated dollars. In the long term, it often costs much less.

     Even if a structured settlement is agreed upon, employers rarely see the savings either on terms of the entire claim or insurance premiums despite the savings recognized by the insurance company itself. Because it makes little difference to the small business owner, remain neutral and let the employee and insurance company negotiate the terms of the payment.

    Instead, learn about other ways your small business can benefit from reduce premiums and lower insurances cots by calling a WCCOP representative today. You will always encounter friendly advice and expert “know-how” for even your most perplexing problem.

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