by admin / on 21 July, 2011

How do I find out about new laws regarding contractor safety

Over the past several years, law makers around the country have been discussing worker safety, especially in relation to construction sites.  In conj
by admin / on 18 July, 2011

How does the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) affect workers compensation?

The Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) generally states that a written clause can be added to a contract to require both parties to settle their difference...
by admin / on 15 July, 2011

What are the common steps involved in workers compensation disputes – Advocacy

Step 1 When a conflict arises regarding workers compensation claims and / or benefit payments, employees and employers need to understand what steps ...
by admin / on 14 July, 2011

What options are available regarding workers compensation disputes

Occasionally, disputes arise between injured or ill workers and the insurance companies who provide their workers compensation benefits.  Since the l
by admin / on 13 July, 2011

Unravel the details of workers claim benefits – Permanent Disability (PD)

Employees will typically be classified as either temporarily or permanently disabled when injured or becoming ill on the job.  The second type of ben
by admin / on 11 July, 2011

Unravel the details of workers claim benefits – Temporary Disability (TD)

There are two different types of benefits small business owners should know and understand; temporary and permanent.  If an employee loses time from
by admin / on 8 July, 2011

OSHA & Small business

As the primary agency responsible for employer compliance of health and safety laws, OSHA handles both large and small businesses.  When it comes to
by admin / on 7 July, 2011

Stats and Facts about Injuries and Illness

With over 1.2 million cases reported in 2005, the number of lost-work cases is staggering. Not only does each day represent a hardship for the employe...
by admin / on 5 July, 2011

Workers compensations and employee retention

Retaining skilled employees is one of the most difficult challenges facing small business owners today. Turnover is extremely costly. According to est...
by admin / on 1 July, 2011

OSHA and Workers Comp

OSHA stands for The Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  Their primary mission is to ensure that workers in the US remain safe in their wo
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