Joining the SimpleWorkComp Network is Free.
Earn Income & Gain Exposure
The SimpleWorkComp Network provides earning potential to our members when referring friends and associates to SimpleWorkComp for services they’re already using. Our white hat Google approved search engine optimization efforts help members gain online exposure for their businesses and services. Simply build your profile using our easy profile builder form, and we’ll do the rest for you. See what your profile would look like – meet our members.
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Earning Monthly Residual Income
Once you’ve joined you’ll receive your unique referral code. Give your referral code to associates and friends who may be interested in the services of SimpleWorkComp. Begin earning monthly revenue for each client you refer.
Use Social Apps – Share Your Code
We share content and experiences everyday. Use your social networks to promote your referral code with a passive approach e.g., “Use my referral code jcgr2014 to get a great rate on workers’ comp insurance at“.
Gain Exposure For Your Business
Our SEO (search engine optimization) Experts will enhance your profile so that search engines and people can find you more easily. We will also create back-links from your profile to any website or page you choose.
Fast & Simple Profile Builder
Use our simple profile builder form to upload your professional profile, photo and back-linking information into to our secure data base. Once approved, your profile will be available, at which time you will receive your unique referral code.